I believe there is a time and place for dancing: it’s never and nowhere. I was born lacking rhythm. I feel nothing but extreme discomfort when I dance. Asking me to dance is a kind offer, but one I must refuse. It’s just not where I shine.
I am convinced the reason I cannot dance is because I am not meant to. I am meant for greater things; stuff that promises significant results as opposed to dancing, which does not.
I love music, it makes me feel things; sadness, joy, nostalgia, and happiness, but in no way does it make me want to stand up and move my entire body. Maybe an occasional head movement on a good day. I also do not drink, not to imply that you have to drink to dance but the two activities tend to go together.
Some of my friends like to dance and some of them think that I take myself too seriously, especially when everyone’s just trying to have a good time. I am happy to be the one who chit-chats with people in our gatherings but not dancing please. I’ve thought about removing myself from the group but I am the glue that holds the group together as they cannot function without me so I can’t do that.
Dancing is one of the main reasons I might never get married. Where I’m from, dancing and a wedding ceremony go together. There’s the grand entrance where you have to dance, there’s the couple’s first dance, there’s the dance with the father and the bride. So many dances for no reason. Hardly a day goes by when I don’t think about it and cry.
People should learn to accommodate non-dancers. Do not try to make them dance. Have you ever tried to do anything you don’t like? Like being pressured to eat your least favourite food. It will feel dull, dry and forced (like every single episode of The Witcher).
On the contrary, I love watching people dance because ultimately, movement is life. It is great to see them happy and allow that happiness to extend through their body movements. It’s amazing but it can never be me. If you ever catch me enjoying it, it is a sign that I am being held against my will and I need rescuing.